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A Different Monday™
Business Success Teleclasses and Retreats

"The value of working with Willow Sibert is beyond measure. She combines both practical wisdom and intuitive insights to powerfully help people move forward in their lives. Because of her gentle guidance and practical approach, I've been able to dream big dreams for myself and believe that I can reach any goal that I want for myself. She creates a safe environment that allows me to be exactly where I am spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, without judgment or criticism. Because Willow can see what others cannot, she "gets" who I truly am and sees beyond my fears and facade to the woman I want to be. Thank you, Willow, for being you and letting me be me."
D. Delhome
Investor, Abilene, TX

Unstoppable Success Series Teleclasses

Before you can even begin to picture a future with you doing exactly what you want to do with passion, joy, and abundance, you must first look at your present situation.

  • Does your life get in the way of your Life?

  • What do you do in your life now that you'd like NOT to do in the future?

  • Are you stuck on the treadmill that really goes nowhere?

  • Would you like all of that to change?

During these sessions you will explore all of the above questions while discovering the ways in which you stop yourself from becoming happier, more prosperous, confident, self reliant, peaceful and centered in who you are. You will explore and create goals that are doable and attainable. You will learn the art of creating a plan for your life with purpose and purposefully working your plan. You will be asked to commit to yourself and your team.

You will learn the many values of building your business, beyond the corporation and beyond self-employment. Most of all, you will learn the value of yourself and the network of friends, business associates and partners that you will meet along the way in this exciting new opportunity.

“I loved Willow's "Becoming Unstoppable" classes. “Purposeful Living and Prosperous Living” were taught so that I felt balanced, energized, and thoughtful throughout each class. The pace was just right so that as I discovered myself through her processes. I never "shut down" from fears of going too fast, or fear of finding out who I really am.

I was very aware of how much she accepted and supported each of us for who we are, and for whatever values and goals were important for each of us. She helped the people who participated in the classes connect with each other, and truly become a support group for each other.

The hypnosis and guided imagery sessions were loving, positive, and very beneficial. In addition, they were recorded so that I could listen to them again online whenever I needed them. I gained a new appreciation of creating, writing down, and repeating meaningful affirmations. I highly recommend these classes!"
Allyson Gernandt
Cell Tech Business Associate & Silversmith,
Bryson City, NC

“I feel Willow has a great gift to inspire others to find the best in themselves and to commit to their hearts' desire. Our "Unstoppables" group became so close knit, we were sharing our deepest insecurities within the first two weeks and chose to continue on together into a second six-week journey under Willow's tutelage. She offers many practical tools. I personally loved the work we did on changing habits, creating new affirmations, and envisioning what we want in our future. Willow definitely has the 'sight,' and is intuitively able to lead each individual without ever coming across as judgmental or impatient when one of us was floundering. There are no right or wrongs in this safe, study-group environment -- just a hallowed feeling of sacred sharing and expansion. And Willow's hypnotic meditations and guided visualizations at the end of each class take you right out of this world!
Leta Worthington
Animal Communicator & Artist,
Hunt, TX

This series of three sequential programs for small groups is designed to help you explore and create a fully aligned life, personally and professionally. You will participate in weekly 55-minute sessions as part of supportive small group telecourses, led by Willow Sibert, the Intuitive Entrepreneur.

Separate tracks are available for women executives and for women returning to the workforce.

No worries if you miss a session! We will record each seminar for you. Group members can access mp3 downloads from the Members-only archives on the website so that you can hear whatever you miss, at your convenience after each session.

Purposeful Living

This 6-week teleclass gets you started. Week by week, you identify your own vision, mission, and goals for your personal and professional business life. Learn to change your habits to support your success. Using a blend of group interaction, points to ponder, guided imagery, affirmations, hypnosis, journaling, artwork, and weekly action steps, Willow leads you to build a solid foundation for understanding your own obstacles, possibilities, and solutions.

Sign me up now

Prosperous Living

The next 6-week teleclass in the Unstoppable Success Series takes you to the next level of your dreams and goals. Here you discover your own strengths and weaknesses as a business person, your unconscious beliefs about money and wealth, as well as learn about the modern Law of Attraction. Create innovative plans for phenomenal business development and growth, uncover secrets to maximizing your energy to reach your goals, and generate excellence and profits as you overcome the inner and outer challenges of your life.

Willow will guide you to developing business success with the same types of effective tools as in Living on Purpose -- a blend of group interaction, points to ponder, guided imagery, affirmations, hypnosis and journaling and weekly action steps. As the weeks proceed, you will put prosperous living within reach as you step into your future.

Sign me up now

Success in Action

The final dynamic teleclass is an 8-week intensive for business people ready to put their new sense of purpose and prosperity into action. Willow facilitates small, highly interactive workgroups to support each member as they commit to reaching their own specific goals for business. Working with your team.

Sign me up now

"Be brave enough to live creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself."

Alan Alda


Intuition on Demand™

An Amazing Breakthrough Teleclass

Intuition: in·tu·i·tion (ĭn'tū-ĭsh'en)
  1. The state of being aware of or knowing something without having to discover or perceive it or the ability to do this.
  2. Something known or believed instinctively without actual evidence for it.
  3. Immediate knowledge of something.

Intuition, when learned as a skill, can be used by anyone, anytime, anywhere. Intuition is something that everyone has, AND it’s a skill that can be developed – through practice and shifting your beliefs. You too, can develop this skill to give you the edge in business that you’re looking for when making business decisions, hiring choices and planning. You’ll be able to take advantage of your “hunches” and your “woman’s intuition” and know you can trust it and access it “ON – DEMAND.”

In this invaluable 8-week teleclass you will:

  • Learn what intuition is and is not

  • Connect with your “Intuitive Self”

  • Trust what you get, when you get it

  • Shed old beliefs, habits & behaviors that sabotage the information you receive

  • Discover tools to aid you in accessing the information

  • Begin to integrate intuition into your personal life

  • Learn to use your intuitive skills in your professional life

  • Develop your skills quickly with training from a professional business woman with her own genuine psychic gift

I want to get the intuitive edge in business.

Sign me up now

"To know how to choose a path with heart is to learn how to follow intuitive feeling. Logic can tell you superficially where a path might lead to, but it cannot judge whether your heart will be in it."

Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD

"A Different Monday"™ Retreats:
On Becoming a Spiritual Human Being

Part One: Reconnecting to the Spirit Within
A Working Woman's Return to Herself

In this powerful weekend retreat you will share simple, yet effective experiences designed to Revitalize your life, Release old ways of being and Reconnect
with your precious, authentic self.

  • Are you looking for a balance between life at work and life at home?
    Are you being the woman you really are?

  • Do you often feel disconnected from your true self-your true feelings and needs?

  • Do you know where you're going? Will you know it when you get there?

  • Is it time to set your priorities for what matters most?

Women today face more issues than ever before. Our lives have taken us into the world of business: into corporations, offices, cubicles, meeting rooms, break rooms, laboratories, assembly lines and even board rooms. Business is moving at an incredible pace, and we are expected to keep up.

Every woman has very individual needs and desires. And we struggle daily to
make it all "fit": our jobs, our families, our interests, and our goals. We
struggle to be the person others want us to be. We struggle to be the person we want to be. And amidst the struggle, we often forget who we really are.

Do you want to prove that struggle is optional in your own life? You can
release any struggle and move toward a new way of being. A way of being that reflects your uniqueness and your own special gifts. Come and join us for a powerful weekend in which you will develop the skills required to let go and re-connect with your own, precious, authentic self.

In this two-day intensive workshop, be prepared to learn powerful yet simple
tools that will result in new ways to find enjoyment in your work. Master
proven methods to stay connected to yourself, to the very core of yourself,
where dwells your Spirit.

"Reconnecting to the Spirit Within" is chock full of:


  • Disconnect from things that siphon off your energy.
  • Stay connected to yourself at work.
  • Program, interpret and utilize the information accessed through your dreams.


  • Release the little girl within, where your feminine Spirit resides
  • Let go of everyday 'shoulds' and 'have-to's'. Give yourself permission to play!


  • Use meditation and imagery to integrate all the various aspects of
    who you really are.
  • Clear old thought patterns and unhealthy energies, while grounding
    to the earth and re-connecting to the guidance of your higher self.


  • Design your unique artifact - a talisman - that can instantly
  • re-connect you with the gifts you¹ll receive from this retreat.


  • Allow yourself to be pampered and awaken the physical senses.
  • Embrace your Spirit with great food, camaraderie, and the beauty of Nature!


What do women say about "Reconnecting"?

"Being at this retreat fully prepared me to spread my wings at work."
           Candice, Spa staff trainer & body therapist

"The retreat was a magical, life-changing weekend of sharing and inspiration and play." 
                       Jan, writer

"I will remember this weekend the rest of my life!"
                        Lisa LMT, LPN

"It was open and free- I felt so unconditionally accepted and accepting."
                         Yani, businesswoman

"Because of who Willow is and her intentions, our weekend was a playground for spirit."
                           Mert, career counselor



Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to change the way you do your business and your life!

I want to Reconnect.
Sign me up now.


Part Two: Choosing a Life That Matters

In this 3-day retreat, you will learn that you DO have CHOICE in your life. You will acquire tools to make thought-felt decisions and learn new ways of being that will assist you in every aspect of your life. You can have a balanced life, a life of joy, and, a life that is full of CHOICE!

I want to choose a life that matters.
Sign me up now.


Part Three: Living Your Soul's Purpose:
Creating Soul Goals

In this intense and fun, 4-day retreat, you will explore your soul's purpose - what you came to this earth to do and learn. You will then look at how your personality fits with your purpose and finally create "Soul Goals"™ and a plan to live and honor yourself and your goals.

I want to live my soul's purpose.
Sign me up now.


"You already possess an amazing ability to 'know' which direction to go. You simply need to learn how to interpret your own signals. Take time to cultivate your intuition. Before you make a decision, check with your 'inner knower.' Go with your 'gut.' It is almost never wrong."

        From The One Minute Millionaire
by Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G. Allen